Friday, 29 June 2007

Here Cometh The Mighty George!

Time for me to send another message to everyone even though nothing much to tell since the Galapagos Islands. I stopped off on my way south to Peru in Cuenca which was a nice colonial city with nice bars and cafes. First thing I did was to book myself into a half descent hotel with plenty of room, a nice big bed and red hot shower. After the boat experience it was not difficult, anything bigger than an average wardrobe would be luxury! I did one more stop in Ecuador which was in Vilacabamba a very quiet small town in the mountains. The scenery surrounding Vilacabamba was again lush - a great place to really relax. Another good spot for good value accommodation and food.
So now I am in Peru in the northern mountains at a city called Cajamarca - which is the best city from a not so good bunch.
First city I stopped at was Piura a small boring city with nowt to do so I headed to Trillio which was a large boring city. Got Trillio on Tuesday afternoon and left Wednesday morning. One good thing about Trillio is the one good coffee shop I have found so far in Peru. I'm sorry but there is no excuse for shit coffee. Peru's idea of coffee is a cup of hot water with brown grit in it. Dreadful!!!
Cajamarca is a nice spot actually. It has a great view point overlooking the city and surrounding mountains. The valleys and mountains on view from the bus ride from Trillio were awesome and its a nice change to see mountains with cloudless skies. - Good photos. I am just wasting some time here now ready for my 14 hour night bus to Lima, oh joy! Then I am in prime position to meet the Mighty George on Saturday night. Looking forward to seeing my buddy and having some laughs which will be making their way on this blog so keep em peeled. Time to go and prepare for this bus journey mind you it's nowt compared to the journey my mate will be doing from the Red Cow Werrington.
By the way anyone reading the blog feel free to post a comment it would be great to get some input from all you truckers out there!
So long for now...the bear

Thursday, 21 June 2007

Doctor Doolittle in the Galapagos Islands.

Well the Galapagos Islands live up to the hype and expense. Its just amazing the close encounter you get with animals. You are obviously not allowed to touch them but I swear the wild animals are like pets, you could give 'em a tickle under the chin or a scratch behind the ear and they would not flinch especially the sea lions; half of them are on the footpaths, all over the beaches, I half expected get back to the boat and one be in me bed! Also got real close to all the land and sea birds like the Blue Footed Boobies, Albatrosses, Frigate Birds and much more, all there nesting. They are doing their mating rituals, looking after young all within 5 metres of you - some even closer.
There were also loads of different types of iguanas land and sea types of various shapes and colours. Not forgetting the Giant Tortoises which were bloody big and weird looking, with a head like ET. The scenery was not bad either lush beaches, weird volcanic landscapes like the moon with sheer cliff faces and lush blue turquoise seas.
Then we have the underwater stuff with the snorkeling been awesome. Loads of different coloured fish and massive shoals of them and nice coral. Managed to swim with sea lions which was great fun as they came well close to you - grabbing hold of your flippers and swimming so close to you it was like playing chicken with them. Also sea turtles, penguins, stingrays and loads of sharks and I still have all me limbs. Highlight of the snorkeling was seeing a Giant Manta Ray come swimming by really close, Jesus! it was massive and an awesome sight! Even the Giant Starfishes were cool lying on the bottom, all different colours I was in me element diving down to them take a closer look. I felt like Patrick Duffy, The Bear from Atlantis. The water was not as warm as I thought and you know how nesh I am!
The boat was OK and the other people on the tour were sound, had a good laugh with them as it was mainly a youngish group. The boat was a small boat especially as there were 16 of us in total. The crew and guide called the boat an economical boat, I call it a 'well tight fit mate!' The crew and guide were OK and the food was good. Mind you I got a few rollockings off the guide for venturing off the trail, what can I say - the photo I wanted needed a few extra yards and god loves a tryer! The guide even took me to one side at one point, bless him, because I was lagging behind, taking shots. I was tempted to tell stick to his guiding and leave me to take the photos and sling it!
All in all the Galapagos Islands were a major highlight.
At the moment I'm in Quenca, relaxing after last weeks exploits and still feeling like I'm still on the boat rocking. Shall head south towards Peru to meet the mighty mighty George as its the ten day count down till I meet him. All of you look after yourselves and I shall be in touch again soon - Love the bear.

Friday, 8 June 2007

Call Me Lance The Bear Armstrong!!

Greetings everyone.
Nice to hear the positive responses about the blog. Thought I would drop a quick line before I head off to the Galapagos Islands.
Since Quito I have been to Banos and Riobamba which are amongst some lush mountains and volcanoes. Done a bike ride in both towns and how different they were. Banios ride started great, not bad weather, great scenery with a few waterfalls thrown in. Then when I got to the furthest point of the day, about 20 kilometres from Banos it started pissing it down. Christ!
I was like a drowned rat so I decided to motor back. I seriously thought I was not going to make it, I'm not too proud to say I was knackered, me legs had gone. Mind you how I did not get run over and killed in the tunnel I had to walk through, I will never know. It must have been a good kilometre long, no lights I could not see jack!! I was walking into the tunnel walls & falling in the side ditch. I kissed the road like the bloody Pope when I got through!
Had to take the following day off recover and do some serious laundry.
Now the bike ride in Riobamba was part of a tour and was mint. We drove up to the foot of the biggest volcano in Equador, damn forgot the name. Chimbarazo I think. Its over 6000 metres high and the weather was clear so I got some great shots. Did a short walk to about 5000 metres with snow under my feet and the volcano right in me face. Then we rode the bike all the way down-hill to around 2500metres. The start of the downhill was off-road, I was in me element. Then, when we hit the tarmac I went for it - wow you pick up some speed. Got a little rollocking off the tour guide for leaving everyone eating my dust. I told the tour guide that's the Joe Mangel (gamble) my friend! Great to see snow capped mountains and volcanoes.

Bring on the Galapagos Islands...THE BEAR