Monday 1 October 2007

Mountain Mania 2 - the mountain bear returns...

Well since the last post I sent from Cordoba the scenery has got steadily more spectacular. Before I left Cordoba I did a trip to the surrounding area around Cordoba which was nice. The area was mainly mountain valleys and lakes. The main highlight was taking a chair lift to the top of a mountain for good views of the valleys. The chair lift I took was like what you get at the ski resorts. I laughed thinking how Baggaley would have reacted as he is scared of heights, the big girl!
After Cordoba I went to Mendoza which as all you quaffers know is wine country. I did a tour of a couple of wineries, it would be rude not to. Great to get to the tasting part - managing to get a taste of quite a few wines. Even bought a bottle as it was so cheap for the quality of wine. Took a couple of bottles back to the hostel and did some serious quaffing only stopping to go eat a massive thick steak. Hey you gotta do it to soak up the wine. It's unbelievable how many different wines there are in the restaurants, Christ the wine list is like reading the bible there are so many.
Took a day trip to the surrounding mountains, where the mountain scenery was outstanding. If you like mountains like me, I have to say it was up there as one of the most scenic roads I have been on. As good as the scenery was, the actual tour and the guide were rubbish. His first photo stop may as well have been in a powerstation there were so may pylons and wires. Uninterrupted views of panoramic snow peaked mountains and he stops there. He also very rarely stopped so as you can imagine was like a caged tiger wanting to get out of the vehicle take some shots. I had to bite my tongue stop myself telling the tour guide he was a clown. We did manage to stop in a couple of good spots right up in the mountains to get some good photos. So yes Janet - me camera finger was going ballistic. Coop - you can expect the photos to be coming thick and fast. (not as good as the photo of Lord Vader George) Even went on another trip to a massive canyon south of Mendoza which again was well worth a look. I enjoyed my stop in Mendoza, a good spot with great wine and again great steak plus good things to see nearby.
After Mendoza I headed to Chile and Santiago up the same mountain route I took earlier. When I got over the border the mountain scenery on the Chilean side was even better as you are right up at the top of the mountains surrounded by snow peaked mountains over 6,000 metres. You even have the chair lifts coming over the bus taking the skiers to the ski slopes. Santiago is a nice city, again its a big un with everything you need here, even if it is more expensive than all the other countries I have been to in the Americas. Today, here, I have seen something different - coffee shops like hooters - yes believe me. The waitresses who are absolutely lush all wearing tight, short, low cut dresses. Some of the best views I have seen while drinking coffee. Looks like my coffee habit is about to get alot worse!!!
On that note I will say
laters my friends....the bear


Anonymous said...

Hi Steve, I had a nice surprise when I went to your blog site this morning, I cant keep up with you and where you are. I have found a map of South America which I refer to trying to trace the places you are visiting. I have looked time and time again at the first lot of mountains, and also the photographs of the Salt Flats and mountains and the Stone Tree, Ray would have liked that one, you must have lots of patience to get such good shots, you have certainly got a talent there Steve and its your posts are interesting, I didnt know that a lot of the places even existed. I thought I was at Froghall Station in the 60s when I saw those trains. I also liked to see the tour which you went on, but it was a bit nerve racking at times, I dont think I would have got on the bus never mind the bike. Jordan is very interesting and it is good for him to see all the places for his geography. I couldnt believe that you have already done Mendoza. I had been checking that up on the map and wondering whether you would go to Chile, you will be drinking coffee not beer when you get back home then but dont think the waitress,s here would be dressed as good as the ones in Argentina, you just behave yourself, just remember your Mum is reading them, only kidding you keep enjoying yourself mate and take me some lovely mountains when you can, I see you have got flamingoes on your last lot of photographs, I like those but am scared of birds normally,I was scared in Margarits last year as there were birds everywhere, the feathered ones I mean, I preferred the iguanas to be honest, dont know what we will find in Cuba, in Guardalavaca,New Year,s Eve on the beach, brilliant, I know it could be raining but hope not, I am not taking my wellies just my brolly in case of rain, I will be trying all the nice cocktails and Lyn is getting a hammock on the beach in case I have one too many, anyway Steve carry on enjoying yourself and its always a pleasure to see your photographs and read your posts, I will close now, looking forward to the mountain photos, Take Care until the next time, Janet, Lyn and Jordan. Please excuse typing mistakes I am getting old.

coops said...

Hi mate...
New photos arrived this morning. Thanks for writing down where they are taken. It means I can try & tag em. Although I may have got a few wrong!
Nice shot of George - he sent me some photos of you both & he thought he'd deleted it - unnnnnnlucky!!! ;)
I did a bit of trawling the interweb & found some video footage of them coffee bars in Santiago - (café con piernas, or "coffee with legs") & thought I'd give people an idea of just how good these places are but, it is a family show so we'll just stick to a bit of Darth George Vader for now!
Any chance you can get a camera in there fella??? please!!!
Good to see you've sampled the local nectar there's some bloody good Argentinian wine - bloody good!
Right I'm off upload the new shots - some good un's in this lot - will probably tag & label em tomorrow. Let me know if I've got any wrong.
Look after ya sen
Keep on enjoying

ps - get back in café con piernas with ya camera ;p

coops said...

How are ya fella?

Got new photos on mate but, had a bit of difficulty with the last lot (mountain mania 2) with tags. Couldn't quite work out which were which:(
If you get chance could you add a few captions in em & I'll then tag em - cheers.
I suggested to our local coffee shop that they try coffee Santiago Style - they didn't seem too keen - mind you neither am I, looking at the women that work there!
I really like the night shots of Iglesia de San Francisco in Salta - chuffin awesome! They look great at full size.
I've sourced a couple of places that you could sell your photos online - keep taking them shots kid you might even be able to pack in the sparkin' when you get back!
Take it easy fella